Frequently Asked Questions –
No Pass / No Play
Where can I find the rules governing the TAPPS No Pass / No Play rules?
That information is located in both the TAPPS Constitution (Article V) and Section xx of the TAPPS By-Laws.
How often does TAPPS require schools to check grades for No Pass / No Play?
No longer than nine weeks between grade checks
What if my school checks grades at a different time?
Schools must check no longer than 9 weeks
If school policy is to check at more frequent intervals, TAPPS supports and enforces those intervals
How do “incomplete” grades affect student eligibility?
Incompletes should become failing grades if not completed within 5 days of the grade check
What courses are used to determine student eligibility?
All courses in which the student is enrolled
Is the TAPPS rule different than the one the UIL is required to use?
The rules are similar
TAPPS rules allow failure of one class, but all classes are included
TAPPS “sit out” period is a minimum of two weeks
If school policy is to check at more frequent intervals, TAPPS supports and enforces those policies
How does the apply to dual credit courses?
The rules apply to dual credit courses the same as high school courses
The school must obtain a grade from the dual credit provider at the intervals noted
How does the rules apply to online courses or PACES type courses?
The rules apply to these courses in that adequate progress must be established through the coursing
When does the period of ineligibility begin?
No later than one week after grade posting
When does the period of ineligibility end?
No earlier than 14 days from the date ineligibility begins
Does No Pass / No Play carry over from the Spring semester to the Fall Semester?
No. There is no carry over to the Fall semester
How does No Pass / No Play work during the Christmas holidays or semester breaks?
The rules are suspended during the Holiday period
Ineligibility resulting from the fall semester will begin in January when school resumes